Whether you’re trying to sell property, building on your land, or settling a dispute, a land survey is essential for these tasks. A land survey can benefit a property owner significantly without having a headache. You’ll be able to determine the solution of your property issues with a land survey.
What is a Land Survey Exactly?
A land survey is simply a technique used to determine property lines and the points and distances between them. A land survey can create boundaries on properties in neighborhoods and land maps for residential and commercial.
The Benefits of a Land Survey:
There are many different services that go into a land survey. Depending on the task and the specific needs, a land survey can benefit determining boundaries, designing subdivisions, flood elevations, topography, land titling, and much more. Scholle’s Land Surveying specializes in land surveying in a wide range of services.
When Do You Need a Survey?
A survey is important in many different situations. When choosing to purchase land, a land survey will come in handy before you do so. Also, when you’re deciding to construct an addition onto your land or home such as a fence or a shed, land surveying will come to the rescue.
Other types of uses would focus on surveying a larger tract of land into smaller parcels, removing structures on a property from a flood zone, encroachments by neighbors, and land being assessed for taxes.
Scholle’s Land Surveying
At Scholle’s Land Surveying, we specialize in boundary surveys, subdivision design, Land Title surveys, topographic surveys, and flood certificates. If you’re not sure you need a land survey of any kind done, it’s still recommended to contact us at 812-663-6526. We can answer any land surveying questions you might have, and if we can help you solve your property issues.
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