Usually, if you live in a high-risk area for flooding, your insurance agency will require you to get one, so they can determine what your premium will be. Flooding can cause plenty of damage to your property and home, especially if you have a basement. Homeowners dread having to deal with a major flood, but having the insurance is a relief.
Who Needs One?
Building codes, flood risks, and maps change over the years, which means remodels or rebuilds should get an elevation certificate to minimize financial impact and insurance rates. Let’s say you are making additions or remodeling your home in a high-risk flood area. You probably will need to acquire a new certificate. If you own a business, it’s also smart to obtain a new EC if you’re making substantial changes to the building.
The Purpose of the Elevation Certificates
Your insurance agent will compare the elevation certificate of the home or building to the Base Flood Elevation found on the map. They will be able to determine the cost to cover your insurance for a flood risk.
The Benefits:
Let’s say you don’t obtain an elevation certificate. If you’re in a high-risk area for flooding and a major flood occurs, you won’t have the insurance to cover the damage to your business or home. This can cause financial problems for you, which you never want to happen. It’s beneficial to you in the long run to make sure your insurance agency is determining the coverage.
- Eliminates Financial Cost of a Flood
- You’ll have proper coverage for your building
- You may save your business from going under
At Scholle’s Land Surveying, we have the ability to conduct flood elevation certificates for homeowners and businesses. If you are in a high-risk area for flooding, contact Scholle’s Land Surveying at 812-663-6526 today, and save yourself from financial issues in the future!
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